Choosing a Modern Bathroom Mirror with Lights

Sphere Round LED Mirror

Each room in your home requires a few essential pieces to really make the room stand out and be as functional as it can be, and the bathroom is no exception. A modern bathroom mirror with the right kind of lights is imperative to the space and will help maximise the efficiency of a room you undoubtedly spend a lot of your time in.

So, how do you go about choosing a modern bathroom mirror with lights for your home? The following are just a few tips and tricks you can use along your buying journey to creating the perfect functional bathroom space.

Bathroom Mirror Size and Detail

While the size of the mirror you choose is definitely important, you will not want to skimp on any of the details either. It is these tiny details that make the mirror stand out and create a focal point for the space.

When choosing the size for the mirror, you should take measurements of the sink or even the entire vanity and write the numbers down. Standard mirror sizes we typically see for bathrooms are 600mm, 900mm, 1200mm, 1500mm and 1800mm which are a good match for Australian standard Vanity sizes. However, the width of the mirror can vary greatly depending on the style and shape of the mirror you choose for the space.

How you use mirror lighting is an intricate detail that can help the mirror stand out. When choosing lighting, pay close attention to how the light plays on the mirror and the other décor. You want to avoid lighting that only creates shadows and does nothing to flatter you.

Backlit LED Modern Bathroom Mirror

Otto 1200 Series Backlit Bathroom Mirror

Other Bathroom Mirror Lighting Tips

When you use accent lighting behind the mirror, you can create a very subtle effect that can make the space feel more like an oasis or getaway in your own home. If you have the advantage of large mirrors with lots of natural light in your bathroom, this subtle behind the mirror lighting is the perfect complement and all you will need in the room.

Also, when you get a backlit mirror, you are also eliminating the need to introduce other forms of artificial lighting into the room such as sconces or other light fixtures. The back-lighting provides a very clean aesthetic while drawing the eye into the mirror.

Finally, the lighting can act as a frame for the modern illuminated bathroom mirror and can create balance, symmetry, and style with very little effort.

Backlit LED Modern Bathroom Mirror
Rear Soft Glow LED Backlit Round Bathroom Mirror

Why choose a LED Lighted Bathroom Mirror – Advanced Functional New Features

With the changing dynamic of mirrors and the different decorative applications we are now seeing, we are also becoming privy to a shift in technology that takes the mirror from that functional level to a more than functional, essential, and pivotal level that every homeowner will want to take advantage of. From Different coloured lighting options, Front-lit and Back-lit Mirrors the different shapes and sizes that are now available to suit your bathroom design, the choice is yours.

What can these types of mirrors offer you that traditional ones cannot? Find out here in our blog article on How Mirrors Are Going High Tech – Smart Mirrors.

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